35mm Film Comparison: CineStill 50D vs Kodak Ektar 100
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To compare these different 35mm films, perhaps it’s most honest to simply add a few sample photos and say “pick whichever you prefer” and leave it at that. So I’ll try and be brief about this without getting into a debate on the merits of digital vs film photography.
Like many, I’ve shot Kodak Ektar 100 for years. However with the roll of CineStill 50D - this was my first time ever using it. And as you can see I made no attempt at pushing the boundaries of it. I was just curious at how it compared to Ektar - which has long been my favorite film for shooting landscapes when the lighting is harsh midday sun.
As the price of a roll of CineStill 50D is about $14 compared to $8 for a roll of Ektar 100 - one is certainly more economical than the other if you plan to shoot a large quantity. They are both C-41 films of course so developing costs are identical.
Cinestill 50D
Kodak Ektar 100
The afternoon I did this, I loaded my Canon Elan II and my Canon Elan 7 with the film and set up a tripod to get the shots as close the same as possible. So slightly different cameras using the same Sigma 20mm f/1.4 Art lens.
CineStill 50D
Kodak Ektar 100
With the above shot, I genuiniely prefer the CineStill 50D over the Ektar 100. This was taken on the side of the Lincoln Memorial - no tripods allowed in this area - so I didn’t quite get exact same photo. With so much of this shot in shadows, the purple tint of Ektar gets to be a bit too much for my taste.
CineStill 50D
Ektar 100
CineStill 50D
Kodak Ektar 100
CineStill 50D
Ektar 100
Wrapping this up, I like both of these films. As long as Kodak continues to produce Ektar 100 I will continue to use it. With CineStill 50D, I will surely be trying again. Perhaps I wasn’t expecting such a washed out, nostalgic look from it - otherwise I might have tested it with different scenery. Live and learn.